RB Lipsk
Champions League
Osób online 2021

Pieśń A Little Touch of Scotland

A little touch of Scotland came to Liverpool one day,
He looked around and said "Och man aye, this is where I'll stay",
And from that moment he worked hard to build a team so grand,
And now today we have the greatest team in all the land,
Shankly, oh yes Bill Shankly,
Shankly we love you,
For all the things you've done for us while here at Liverpool,
Bill Shanky we thank you.

Nowhere would you find a man who is the same as he,
And all who meet him love him for his humility,
For that and many other things our thanks we give to him,
And do you see we're talking of Bill Shankly. Aye that's him!
Shankly, oh yes Bill Shankly,
Shankly we love you.
For all the things you've done for us while here at Liverpool.
Bill Shankly we thank you.